
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Namja II

today is my bestest day.
 i got to see 'that thing' twice.
i got to knoe something about 'that thing'
even though a very tiny thing to knoe,
but it is the most important part ok!
the very first step to move on.

first for  today make my whole day full with smile.
'mulakan harimu dengan senyuman'.
masuk habes a ngan aku punye hari, harini.

then, the next part at the library.

the second for today, i got to stand very near
to 'that thing'.argh!!

and last but not least,
i've  knew 2 things about 'that thing'

ang ang!!\(*_*)/

thanx to leBai.
for her great support!!

a week and a day!

p/s: i've got so many things to do this whole week and next week.but i still have time to make my day become really great. CONGRATS to myself!!

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