
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hesh to the Ey to the Anne episode 6 (ending)

Ku cuba redakan relung hati
Bayangmu yang berlalu pergi
Terlukis di dalam kenangan
Bebas bermain di hatiku

Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku

Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku

I know I have been given up too early. but I guess it better like this since I dont want to hurt more. yeah, I definitely will miss all the things we did together. it may look stupid and doesnt mean anything to anyone else, but to us it were precious. or maybe its only me.I am too tired to be in this kind of complicated matters. I am always in this matter since I was teenagers. its always hard for me. and this time I should let go  what I feel and go on with my life.IF he has a same feeling as I am, he would definitely try his best. I dont want to be the only one who work for it. it cant be like this anymore. I was wrong in the first place. I was wrong to let this feeling develop inside me. I was the one who raise the hope inside me. he dont even know this. I should not get carried away. :( hoping me will cope with my job well. I hope to achieve all the high expectation from my boss. do that tonne of jobs well and meet my client expectations. fulfill Majlis's requirement and all that. make myself busy and hope this feeling will go away naturally. Just what LeBai said to me earlier, kalau ada jodoh tak ke mana. I hold on that. anything happened should have a reason. Allah sentiasa betul dalam apa yang telah di tetapkanNya.


Mint!! said...

lu segan eh buat entry jiwang2 ni??hehehe..font nak mini je.nasib baik wa xrabun.hehehe.

cool by! bak kata cikgu sekolah rendah wa dulu..'setiap pertemuan akan berakhir dengan perpisahan"...(biar ar ayat ni mmg femes,tpi credit to cikgu wa,coz wa dgr from her first time)..hahaha

Unknown said...

hehe. malu la. semua nak entry jiwang-jiwang. secara serious pulak tu. so not me!

yeah. tapi tadi boss cite kat wa, mamt tu puji wa kat boss. dia kata dia suka keja ngan wa. sedih laaaa!