
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Future Planning.

The most bored night I ever had in my life. LOL but seriously. I dont know what to do. No mood to watch any movies/drama/show and what so ever. Dont even have a mood for reading any fiction/anime. Such a loser. Its weird if I start studying now since my final exam will start in a month. Tchh.

wandering around, play with Google then, I keyed in LASIK SURGERY. So tonight, lets talk about this boring topic, but I am really interested about this. Tired of wearing leans and spectacle since I was 13.

Laser eye surgery corrects vision problems and eliminates the need for glasses or contacts. To determine good candidates for the surgery, eye doctors look at age, pregnancy or breastfeeding, eye conditions and autoimmune disease.

LASIK is one type. PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) is another type of laser eye surgery often used for people with thin corneas. PresbyLASIK technology (multifocal LASIK) is used for bifocal wearers with both farsightedness and nearsightedness.

In LASIK, a portion of the outer layer of the eye is cut and folded back for a laser to reshape the cornea. In PRK, small sections of the outer layer are removed.

Cost of surgery varies due to choice of doctor, procedure, laser technology, vision prescription and geographical location.

**After some research with the help of Mr.Google, it cost me around RM1500 for both eyes. woohoo!  and the price is getting lesser nowadays. Gotta save up and end my lens-spec-life.(Determine Mode)

Obviously this surgery will change the financial, lifestyle and sport activities.

I found a blogger who had done his LASIK surgery. He blogged his experience with detail explanation. It is a good article and make me more interested to do this surgery. Its not that scary and hard.

Tch. *Cakap macam bapak aku cop duit* Well, hope this gonna be happen REALLY soon. Ke sesapa nak kahwen ngan aku nanti, nak gantikan salah satu hantaran dengan lasik surgery lah. Mean, hantaran barang kemas(LOL) = 2 mata buat lasik surgery. Ntah ntah, lasik lagi murah dari barang kemas. Hmm, speaking pasal pinang ke kahwen, colan pun takde okay. Bosan betul hidup. Crush je ramai. haha.*yeay tak kelakar*


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